The DDS image I/O plugin adds support for loading and saving of DDS image files. The image loader supports most formats, for a detailed list see the readme file included in the download.

The image saver automatically selects an output format so that the image data it receives from LW, can be saved without any loss of quality. There are better suited tools for elaborate creation of DDS files, where you can select specific formats, generate mipmaps with different algorithms and gamma correction etc..

  • Supports loading of a wide variety of image formats.
  • Saving is limited to automatic format selection, to preserve original image data quality.
  • Free

Plugin LW Platform Size
DDS Image I/O v1.01    (2012-07-08) 8 - 11 WIN32 / WIN64
131 kb Download
MAC UB 32/64
OS X 10.4+
39 kb Download